Friday, June 26, 2009

Health care can wait?

ISSUE #1 -- Health Care debate continues (I know, I know, what for?)
Well, not really...but soooooo much has happened the last few days...and believe me, the debate (and earmarks) rage on in the hallowed halls of even IF President Obama wanted a fair and equitable health care plan (he doesn't), congress will so bastardize the thing that I'm afraid it'll be worse than status quo...have no fear, I'll unveil my plan soon...

ISSUE #2 -- Shaq traded to Cleveland (woo-hoo, get Lebron his trophy...please...)
I was also going to write a letter to Shaquille O'Neal this week...why? Well, to plead with the "Diesel" to get into the best shape of his life (I know he can do it)...WE MUST DEFEAT KOBE (sounds like a volcano, eh?)...but yes, if I EVER see that "smirk" on ESPN or anywhere else EVER again, it'll be too soon...I say give Lebron some help so we can wipe that "smirk" off Kobe's know the smirk...every juvenile delinquent, wannabe gang banger, pseudo rebellious teen-age ne'er-do- well, et al, uses it...lip smacking good...

ISSUE #3 -- The King of Pop is dead!!
Many are calling Michael Jackson's passing "this generation's Elvis Presley." I'm not sure to whom that's more insulting...pill poppers or, seriously, the gloved one was an enigmatic icon...with more talent in his pinkie (with or without a glove) than most of us will ever have. Speaking of Elvis (hey, I'll bet there's more similarities than we're being told), he's been "gone" for more than 30 years...but he's still alive...Love live the King of Pop...

ISSUE #4 -- Hypocrisy (I love hypocrisy)
Once again, a REPUBLICAN has been caught with his proverbial pants down...this time it's South Carolina REPUBLICAN Governor Mark Sanford sashaying off to Argentina for a secret rendezvous with a woman who is not his wife...REPUBLICAN family values...yeah, right...and now, word is the REPUBLICAN governor met with his Argentinian "mistress" while there on the taxpayer dime...boy, what a REPUBLICAN...using OUR money...he could of at least stayed closer to home (New York) or maybe just fooled around with Congressman John Conyers' wife...

ISSUE #5 -- Iran/Iraq (if it's Tuesday, this must be Afghanistan)
Well, CNN has been all over the Iranian election crisis (i.e. demonstrations, riots, brutality, or not)...they "go to the Iran News Desk"(in Atlanta?) for the latest update on the strife...of course, there IS a news black out, there are no visuals. Hey, I know...want information...maybe use the same folks who said there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq...or better yet, shop for real estate in Tehran by going on Zillow...yeah right, we can't find out what's "really" going on there...sure...

ISSUE #6 -- Hypocrisy (Part 2)
Why does Mary Matalin get a pass on her right wing views when Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter, and Michelle Malkin, each with "almost" similar views, are marginalized (even vilified) on a daily basis...I guess it pays to be married to one of the most hateful, attack dog-type Democrats on the planet...well, at least for the next 40 or 50 years...

Have you ever heard the expression, "throw everything at the wall and see what sticks?" No? Well, I'm afraid that's what the powers-that-be in Washington are doing as we slip further and further into socialist oblivion (Utopia?). But that''s like I've been saying (screaming) over and over...are you really (I mean REALLY) surprised at the intrusion (at times takeover) by the federal government into numerous areas of our lives...I mean, did you think he'd nominate Robert Bork for the Supreme Court or something? Hey, we voted for Hope and is not the time to stop and ask for know, maybe Health Care can't wait...

Friday, June 19, 2009

Stay Tuned


Busy, busy, busy...BUT PLEASE STAY TUNED!!! I will be updating y'all on the health insurance scam currently making its way through the hallowed halls of Pennsylvania Avenue as well as the Capitol's NOT an exaggeration to report, even at this early stage, that all y'all (me too) RESPONSIBLE people will be paying more and getting less while the IRRESPONSIBLE among us will be getting more FOR paying less...thank you Mr. President, Ms. Speaker, et al...ALSO, I will be unveiling the MediaCopp Health Insurance Program...and yes, it WILL cover everyone who wants health insurance...however, since it IS so appropriate, it WILL be ignored (much like my SOLUTION to the California budget crisis...but whaddya gonna do?


Friday, June 12, 2009 recap...

The media is at it again...hopefully, Obama will be MUCH smarter than Clinton and not buy into all the idolatry...Bill's ego got so big and his narcissism so expansive, that he literally thought he was bulletproof...911 proved he (and I know, the chowder head too) wasn't...alas, we will see...

With that in mind, how 'bout another Czar? This time, a Tobacco Czar (or would that be Tsar)...I know several qualified individuals down near the mission...or better yet, the Man himself...

Who is wrong more often? Newt Gingrich or Dick Morris? Fox News blowhards both...I pick Gingrich...he's more dangerous...and electable...if our stupid electorate is any barometer...

Called right here in MediaCopp...give Kobe the Phil Jackson moves up to number 3 as the luckiest man on earth (he's still behind Bill Clinton and Barack Obama)...but he might even surpass Obama (#2) if the Repugnicans are successful in sabotaging Obama's economic plans...

A well deserved "attaboy" to the President for not caving in to the ACLU and the disingenuous Demoncats on Capitol Hill...and promising he will "do everything" to keep the Abu Ghraib photos from being released...

And NO, "attaboy" is NOT disrespectful, NOR is it tongue-in-cheek...unlike the lame apology from radio hosts Rob, Arnie and Dawn for their offensive remark about transgender people being freaks...but what I didn't that Carl's Jr. (of ALL people) pulled their advertising from the show...what? Yeah, their commercials aren't offensive (now THAT was sarcasm).

You do the math...we are in a "severe" drought...yep, we here in NorCal are two inches below normal in rainfall totals for the, even if you believe the tables (which I do not), it still appears patently obvious (even to a dolt like me), that there is peeeeee-lenty of water...

I mean, the water tables show that Folsom Lake is basically full...and Oroville and Shasta, well, if they kept just an extra couple of hundred (maybe even a thousand) acre feet per day from heading down the acre foot is 43,560 cubic feet...

Gee, at that rate, we might not even have to touch our melting polar icecaps for another few million years...but I DO know one thing...I think I've pretty much blown my shot at Water Czar...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Well, it IS Obama's America...

Just a few quick ones today...

The NBA finals start tonight between the LA Lakers and the Orlando Magic...bummer that Magic players Rashard Lewis and Hedo Turkoglu will "lose" their shooting touch and the Lakers, er, I mean Kobe will dominate...take that, Shaq!

All public employees (state, county, city, etc) are grossly overpaid and consequently dip more heavily into the "benefit" category as well. Yes, we in Sacramento County held a firearm to the "powers-that-be" and extorted enhanced retirement benefits...yep, I worked 'round the clock for 26 plus years, and both knees are shot, but I'm grossly overcompensated...SCREW YOU...

Speaking of money for nothing, how 'bout the headline in this morning's Scabramento Bee, "No Job? No Prob." Unemployment to Funemployment? That's right...ha, ha, socialism takes root, we are at the infancy stage of what I like to call, "Slacker 1A." Hey, if you've got seemingly never ending unemployment benefits, a cash buy out, and enabling parents, well, heck, why go back to work? Yeah, works for me...

The IHSS program is in the news Sacramento, don't get me started. Yep, a couple of days ago, I was ranting about the rampant fraud in this program. I was blown off (by the media elite). Then, the Grand Jury gets involved and the quote-unquote media takes up the cause. LET ME BE CLEAR. IHSS (In Home Supportive Services), is invaluable...many elderly and/or disabled folks depend on assistance. But there are many, MANY cases of "nana being cared for by a crankster nephew" who simply blows the "check" on himself. Now, the DA's office (yeah, the same DA's office whose budget is being slashed so much that they won't even be able to prosecute anything but the most severe crimes)...THAT DA's office...will be "monitoring" potential waste and fraud...yeah, right...

Obama's first stop? You guessed it...the Saudi royal King...hmmm, I wonder what the "media" would've said if Bush...wait a minute...oh yeah, Bush was in the pocket of big oil...but hey, word has it that Obama asked Iranian government officials to come to the US for a 4th of July celebration...I love what late night comedian Jimmy Fallon had to say, "I guess the goal was to make them go, 'Death to Americ - aaaaaaa-ooooooo-aaaaahh.'"

Speaking of comedy, the local brouhaha over the (radio hosts) Rob, Arnie, and Dawn program from the other morning when they made comments regarding transgendered people being "freaks." First Amendment's a bitch, ain't it?

Yeah, First Amendment...the GOP whackos are out in full force trying to marginalize "all things Obama." Sure, everything from his continuation of failed Bush policies (like Iraq, Afghanistan, bailouts, etc) to his pick for the Supreme Court (so what? you thought he'd nominate Robert Bork?)...wait a minute Demo-creeps...have you heard Chris Matthews or Keith Olbermann lately? These two whackos sure must have never known what it was like to be a winner...I mean, their side (libs both) control ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING...and they STILL whine...

Tommy T's comedy club opens tonight at the old Garbeau's Dinner Theatre out at US 50 and Hazel Ave...believe me, with things getting worse everyday...and I mean WORSE BECAUSE of what our government is doing to try and "fix" things...well, we NEED to laugh...I mean, why not? In today's America, it sure ain't gonna pay to go to work...

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