Friday, October 29, 2010

Tears to the right of me, spittle to the left...

Mental illness takes many forms...the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) is a book published by the American Psychiatric Association and includes all currently recognized mental disorders. It organizes each psychiatric diagnosis into five levels (axes) relating to different aspects of a disorder or disability and is used by clinicians to subjectively rate clients.

Speaking of mental illness, Tuesday is election day...and boy, is it a big one. The other night, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann spent 20 minutes (no, not 5 or even 10, but 20 FULL MINUTES) on his show, Chokedown with Keith Olbermann, obsessively and compulsively documenting each and every oddball statement, by each and every fringe element of the quote-unquote Tea Party/Republican Party/enter your choice of "not Democrat Party" here. Boy, the MSNBC staff must have been busy all day googling, or wikipedia-ing every statement by every "enemy" of the current administration. Too bad he didn't have his interns (also) do a little historical research. He could have saved himself (and his four viewers) a lot of grief.

Never mind that the majority of the out-of-context statements were omissions, innuendo, or outright lies...even the correct quotes were mostly from far, FAR out fringe candidates without a prayer of winning. Olbermann's time would have been better spent wondering how "his" administration strayed so far from normalcy to warrant these sorts of responses. This certainly isn't the first time that public opinion has been hijacked by the "anything but" element of the electorate. Ever hear of Jesse Ventura, S.I. Hayakawa, even Al Franken or Arnold Schwarzenegger? We've done it before...and we'll do it again.

However, the foam coming from the mouth of Olbermann looked strangely familiar. Oh yeah, it looked just like the faux-tear drops coming from the eyes of Fox News' Glenn Beck during the 2008 elections. I rarely watch Beck (a former "morning zoo" deejay and now darling of the right) and Olbermann for just this reason. Their programs are full of generalizations, half truths, and hyperbole...presented under the mantle of "analysis." Reminds me of the Billy Crystal/Robert DeNiro movie, "Analyze This," in which Crystal plays a psychiatrist who counsels a mob boss (DeNiro) with panic disorder. Yeah.

If only we could walk out on "this" movie...and return on Wednesday...when the world will be the same...Olbermann will still be frothing, Beck will still be bawling...and unfortunately, the President will still be looking to advance his agenda and the opposition will still be obstructing or praying for gridlock...and the rest of us will be stuck in the middle with you...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Why bother...oh yeah...

Some days I wonder, "why bother?" Then I realize, nobody else is saying this stuff...

* With the 2010 election season in full gear, MediaCopp believes now, MORE THAN EVER, we need to outlaw the use of ANY opponent's name or likeness or ideology from ANY campaign ad...

* Jon Stewart, of "fake" news fame, IS a bigot...that Rick Sanchez dude, who was fired from CNN, simply erred when referring to "jews," at the same's NOT because Stewart is IS because he is elitist...

* There is no truth to the rumor that while I was in Reno last weekend for the Vince Gill concert (I know, country, but what are you gonna do; he's a great guitarist) truth that I used an EBT card at the casino...

* Even though I am a San Francisco Giants fan (I remember watching Willie Mays play at Candlestick Park in the 60's), if we're going to be consistent, I don't believe ANY sort of performance enhancing drugs should be allowed...and that includes Ritalin...sorry Andres...

* With that in mind, I think that the baseball powers that be (which would include the media) should end the ruse that this is the "year of the pitcher." I believe it's more like year of the enlarged, inconsistent strike zone...

* Our local Fox affiliate here in Sacramento (Channel 40) has a pretty good morning news show. HOWEVER, please do something about Bethany know, there IS such a thing as over-enunciation...

* Simple solution to the CCPOA, Department of Corrections, et al, problems in California. We should BUILD MORE PRISONS..get real about crime...then, when the crime rate goes down (and it will), change the prisons into college solved...

* If we elect a GOP congress, we don't give the current administration's policy a true opportunity to succeed or fail. Conversely, if we keep the Dems in power, the administration may erroneously feel we approve of Euro-lite policies...we're doomed...

* Oh yeah, NOW I remember why nobody is reading this blog...what a downer!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Uh-oh...we skipped last week...but that's okay...

That's right! We here at MediaCopp took last week off. Why? No reason. The big question is, "did you miss us?" I didn't think so.

As you know, we are in the process of researching how to make this page better. Having taken note of the Best Blogs according to the Sacramento News & Review alternative newspaper, we DO know we have a long way to go. Or none at all.

"What? You're once again not making sense! What the hell is wrong with you anyway?" Well, one thing for sure, we're not getting rid of my altar ego. Whatever else happens to this slab, Jack (the reincarnation of Buck) will remain. He's probably about the only thing that sets us apart from the millions of other brain dead, one-handed, keyboard pounding, wanna-be writers out there...but I digress...

Do we change the format? Presentation? Content? Yes, yes, and a resounding NO!! The frame may change, but the song (will) remain the same!!! But, where do we go from here. Not sure...I WILL continue to write. I mean, it's gotta get better, huh? But the rest will follow...oh...I'm not sure exactly when. I mean, despite the groans I'm hearing, there won't be a "site closed" sign up on while I get this worked out.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" ...that's right...too bad. I'm still going to offer commentary. I'm also quite certain it will again be mostly ignored. But, that's okay....

Friday, October 8, 2010

We, the (RESPONSIBLE) people...

Here we go again...THIS TIME, the feds (yes, HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, with their sister and brother, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, ARE "the feds"), and they are giving away even MORE money for irresponsible behavior. Now, now, I know it's not fair to say...many people ARE underwater on their mortgages through no fault of their own, but still...why are "these programs" only for people who are "struggling," and/or "facing foreclosure." Why can't they also be for other (re: responsible) people?

"Well, because 'others' won't face the public repudiation or degradation of their self esteem...or being...or credit rating." Oh, thanks Jack (my alter ego, Jack Armstrong of the award winning Armstrong and Getty Radio Program, known for his nasally, high pitched, whiny voice)...but once again, you miss the point. I KNOW FOLKS NEED ASSISTANCE...I'M NOT SAYING "WE SHOULDN'T HELP THEM."

What I AM saying, however, is that this money is "going, going, gone." Oh sure, some of it will be paid back...and some of it will go to employees of these federal-backed intermediaries or "middle man companies," like NACA (Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America). But IT'S GONE!!! Even statistics have shown that a good percentage of those helped by these "programs" end up defaulting anyway...

But,with that said, the NACA will be here this weekend at Cal Expo in Sacramento, CA. They will be in town for FIVE days, 24 HOURS a day (having just come from a five day gig in So Cal), to promote many of their programs, including the Home Save Program, which reportedly helps (irresponsible?) homeowners restructure their existing mortgage by permanently reducing the interest rate to achieve an affordable mortgage payment.

That's right...if you're underwater (specifically) and meet a "whole bunch of other" criteria, you could qualify to have your mortgage interest rate reduced to 3.625%, 30 year fixed. You heard correctly, all you have to do is stop making your payments for a few months (on a home where your balance exceeds the assessed value) and praise the Lord, you could be in line for huge savings. But if you've always done the right thing...and refinanced through legitimate lenders (my own home's mortgage rate is a reasonable 5.5%), kept up on your payments, etc., well, best 'o're on your own...

"But, but, but, the economy is improving...why are you getting all worked up? You should have called for this two years ago...BEFORE all these people became 'in your words,' irresponsible!!" Hello again, Jack...but there you go again. I WAS calling for assistance for the responsible, or "pre-irresponsible," way back when the bottom first fell out of the housing market. Many, MANY folks knew it (the housing bubble) was about to burst.

So anyway, since 'I' am underwater (as are a considerable number of other people), I sent a request for evaluation with the NACA...haven't heard from them...not holding my breath. Now, wait a minute, Jack...before you jump on me for espousing all my "reality, responsibility, and right & wrong," rhetoric...only to then apply for a program designed for those 'irresponsible' homeowners? The height of hypocrisy, you say? Well, for a 3.625% 30 year fixed rate, I'll even change the name of this post to, "We, the (Hypocritical) people..."

Saturday, October 2, 2010

This Blog is...wait for it...CRAP!!!

One hundred and three episodes and what have we got? CRAP! Yep, just telling it like it is, I suppose...but having recently received a rather substantial wake-up call, well, looks like we at MediaCopp need to veer in a different direction. To say I am somewhat of a techno-novice (or would that be tech-no-vice) is an understatement. Again, let me 'splain...

I picked up a copy of our local alternative rag here in Scabraghetto (Sacramento, CA), the Sacto News and Review, a free newspaper distributed each Thursday. I enjoy the (usually) "fun" slant to the articles within, including letters to the editor (where MediaCopp has been featured several times) all the way through the numerous (and I DO mean numerous) advertisements for local cannabis clubs.

At any rate, this week featured the News & Review's annual "Best of Sacramento," edition. Oh sure, the lists are usually the same every know, the artsy, the Bohemian, the Avant-garde, picking up all the ink...but I digress. However, one entry this year (I never noticed it in previous years) was the Readers' Choice Winners, specifically Best Blog. Hmmm, okay...I decided to check out the winners.

OMG! The top three "winners" were great!! The number one blog, "PWeekly," which can be found at was genius. Quite naturally, the second and third place entries, "TwinSoup," at and "Nanny Goats in Panties," another apparent "web site-type blog," found at ... were equally slick and well produced. My blog isn't worthy to be mentioned in the same breath.

So, am I quitting? Hah! I don't know the meaning of the word. No, actually...if not for Merrian-Webster Online, I wouldn't know the meaning...but again, I digress. Actually, I'm going to keep writing, at what pace I'm not sure. What I AM sure of, however, is that this slab (Blog) MUST evolve.

Yes, I'm looking for a who works cheap (read: free)...and certainly I'll begin devoting a good portion of my week to developing online skills in that regard. Plus, much like most Blogs nowadays, I will, I mean produce interactive copy...thus encompassing the best of ALL contributors.

Don't worry...I'll still be, as our Chief Executive has stated...and stated...and stated...the ONE in charge. It will still be MediaCopp...I will continue to call out ALL entities, whether they be faux fair and balanced (FoxNews, MSNBC), faux mainstream (ABC, NBC, CBS) or just faux (The Daily Show with Jon Stewart)...when will this happen? Believe me, it's already started...

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